Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 5/231

Well, I obviously didn't write anything yesterday. The reason is: I was gone all day (photos below!). So today, I'm going to write for both days. Here's what happened on...



More like fluttering 'cause as I said, I was gone.  I did manage to

Make the bed
Take care of the laundry

That's it, but at least I made an effort.


I worked on some crocheted snowflakes while DH & I were driving around.  I got two done and a third started.  No pictures yet, 'cause they look more like snow lumps right now.  They need to be starched and blocked.

Now for a couple of photos showing where I was yesterday.  You can click on them to see larger versions.

This is Kalaloch creek heading into the Pacific Ocean. Kalaloch is pronounced CLAY-lock.  This is the west side of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.

Here is Ruby Beach which is north of Kalaloch.
This was a very determined tree. 

  Here is the north end of Lake Ozette.
And my favorite photo.  Yes, that is a fish wearing a skirt, bobby socks and sneakers!  This town is pronounced SEE Q.

Okay, that takes care of Sunday.  I'll write Monday in a separate post.
Happy Stitching!

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