Saturday, December 6, 2014

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Hello, Everyone!

I've completed another page on my focus piece, La Belle Dame Sans Merci!  I'm so thrilled to be making noticeable progress on this one.  The knight is probably thrilled too...he's got more of his body now.  His head and arm are not disembodied any more.

It always amazes me how different it looks when I step back and look at it as a whole.  Believe it or not, his armor is a lot of pinkish colors near the top and black and 3371 at the bottom.  It doesn't really show in the photo but the lightest area is Kreinik 032BF.  Love me some bling!

Up next?  PTP Floral Arrangement.  Since I've already done some stitches in it this evening, I am officially more than half way done with this one!

Happy Stitching!



Leonore Winterer said...

Yay for yet another page finish! Now one more please before the year is out~

Katie said...

Wow Congrats! That's alot of stitches. Looks beautiful. I know what you mean about stepping back. Sometimes when you stitch a HAED you think I must have the wrong colors then you step back and there it is.

Lulu said...

This piece looks beautiful!