Do you experience the same assumption from society in general that just because you're being crafty, you're also driven by some unseen force to be in constant 1950's housewife mode? And then...who actually does the cooking and cleaning in the household?
Personally, I have never been accused of the 1950's housewife stereotype just because I'm a stitcher. I have had people assume that because I cross stitch, I also sew (as in clothing). I do sew but quilts, not clothes. I've also had people assume that I embroider - I don't, I stink at it! Anything stamped for embroidery, even cross stitch, is my mortal enemy. Since I have friends that can make stamped items that are gorgeous, I know that it's just me.
The other assumption that I've had to deal with is that since I cross stitch, I must want that simple kit of plastic canvas coasters that they never had time to open! I'm not a cross stitch snob (okay, maybe I am), but I prefer projects with some style or statement. I would much rather do a band sampler by The Victoria Sampler; an ornate piece by Teresa Wentzler or Mirabilia; or a pure art piece like those by Heaven and Earth Designs.
As to the cooking and cleaning, I'm no 1950's housewife but I do most of the cleaning with the exception of the dishes - my husband does most of them (we don't own a dishwasher). I'd say that we share the cooking.
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