Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Joys of Owning Cats


UPDATE:  Yes, I was able to salvage all of the yarn minus a piece about 2ft long.  Not a bad result overall.

So Sunday morning, hubby woke me up with the words,”I didn’t do it”.  He then said to start in the living room.

(This is actually the dining room, the living room photo was blurry.)

…into the kitchen

…heading into my sewing room/office

…beside my cutting table.

They got it out of the askew bin on the left.

Hopefully, they’ll grow out of such mischief.  They just turned 1 on July 3rd.

Happy Stitching!


1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh dear, that poor yarn! Was it salvagable?