Monday, February 10, 2020

Quilt Studio Ceiling Update!!

Hello Everyone!

This is one of the more exciting posts for me because there is actual progress on my quilting studio!  This is post 1 of 2, just to keep the posts a little shorter.  Welcome to the ceiling!

As you may remember, hubby and I had painted the ceiling...which started to peel only hours later (sigh).  Well, hubby had the idea of covering the existing ceiling with beadboard and 1" x 6"'s.  That took a little detour when we saw the price of beadboard.  We're trying to do this "remodel" on a shoestring budget.

We looked at alternate ways of doing this and came up with using luan (think old-school paneling without the grooves) and 1" x 2"'s.

Original ceiling:


Luan going up (the 1" x 2"'s were purchased pre-painted white):

Let the painting begin.  This took awhile as we both kept saying, "We're too old for this.".  Painting above your head is hard!

...and fully painted:

As you can see, the new light fixtures are also in.  They are track lights that I got at Home Depot.

Next post will be painting the walls and closets.  Whew!

Happy Stitching!


1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, that looks great now!
I imagine that painting over your head is really hard. I'd probably come out of that room covered in white spots!