Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My First Blog Award!

Thank you to Monica at The Hoopless Stitcher for giving me my first blog award.

As I was writing this and checking out the addresses of the blogs I was listing, I noticed that Melody at The Stitching Life also gave me this award!  Thank you to both you wonderful ladies!

So now I need to pick 5 blogs with under 200 followers:   I don't "officially" follow any blogs but these are some of the ones that I'm regular in checking (in no particular order):
  1. Ca11i0pe's Reviews and Stitching News
  2. The Stitching Life
  3. Reflections of a Desert Rat
  4. A Simple Mind
  5. All This & a Bag of Chips Too

Now the Rules are:

1. You must publically thank the person who awarded it to you.
2. Paste the Liebster Award on your blog
3. Pick 5 blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave them each a comment on their blogs letting them know of their honor.

Happy Stitching and Blogging!



Lulu said...

Congratulations twice to you!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congratulations on your award!!!!