Friday, August 28, 2020

New Project!

 Hello Everybody!

I've started a new project for an old addiction:  organizing my DMC floss.

I just bought 1,000 plastic bobbins and 2 ArtBin Super Satchel Slims from JoAnn's.  I'm starting to take all my loose skeins and wind them onto bobbins.

I have the finished ones sorted by number "families":  >100, 100's, 200's, etc.

I also have a bunch that are on cardboard bobbins that I need to switch over to plastic:

Since this bin is 12" x 12" x 12" and about half full, I'm going to be here awhile.  Some of them are already on plastic bobbins, so they just need to be sorted.

Once I've got them all on bobbins, I'll put them into the Slim cases.  I have 5 filled already so I figured 2 more should handle these extras as far as overall storage space.  I'll start putting my entire stash into the new boxes in numerical order and should be able to empty each successive box as I go.  I will need to leave a bit of room in each box to hold the floss that's already being used in other projects.  I really believe that when I'm done, my master stash will need all 7 boxes!

Happy Stitching!


1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

Floss organizing is fun! I keep a master set (just one bobbin for each colour) and store all duplicates seperately. I also try to keep book of how much extras I have, but it doesn't always work...