Thursday, August 27, 2020

Another Finished Project: Jewelry Letter

 Hello, All!

I finished another project that I'd been wanting to do for years:  a jeweled letter.  I had this letter S (for Stacy, of course) for years but never got around to starting it.  I think I bought it at Michael's.

Hubby helped me by spray painting it silver on the front and edges.  Spray paint and I don't get along well.  ;-)

I put a hanger on the back before I began:

You can see some of the bling that I had available to glam it up with.  Hubby buys storage units and this was some of the left over costume jewelry that he had.  Don't worry, none of it was really worth anything.  He'd already had a jeweler go through it. It has the necessary shine though.

I used E6000 glue to attach the pieces.  There was really no rhyme or reason to it.  I had the hemostats to hold on to the littler pieces and to poke things into place.  My table is protected by a couple of sheets of industrial vellum.

I started with a couple strings of pearls and then just started layering some of the bigger pieces.  As I found gaps, I poked in some smaller pieces: loose pearls, glass beads, etc.  This is the finished project waiting for the glue to completely se-up.  The letter is about 8" tall.

Here it is hanging in my studio:

Looking at this photo, I realize that I need to tidy up the closet a bit!  lol

Happy Stitching and Crafting!



Susan said...

What a fun idea! I may have to go through all the things I've collected or been given over the years and give this a try.

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, that's a cool project! Yeah for getting somethign done you had planned for a long time.