Thursday, January 28, 2016

Additional pieces...

I just "pre-inherited" some items from my grandmother.  She recently moved from an apartment to a group home so she had to downsize.  These were items that I had stitched for her over the years so I'm glad that I got them back.

Here is a photo of them incorporated in with the items that I already had.  They are all identified below the photo.  Items with a * had been my grandmother's.

Left to right: 
  • Rune Sampler* from DracolairCreations
  • Hummingbirds* from Stoney Creek's Stitched Elegance book
  • Viola's Lace Sampler - my own design
  • Hummingbird Sampler* from Cross Stitch & Country Crafts March/April 1990
  • English Cottage Sampler from Teresa Wentzler
  • Footprints in the Sand from Leisure Arts, leaflet #378
  • White Musings Mystery Sampler from The Gift of Stitching May/June/July/August 2007
  • Waiting for Ships from Mirabilia
  • Proverbs 31:13 from Stoney Creek's Stitched Elegance
  • Cathy (Hardanger)* from Leisure Arts, leaflet 330 Teach Yourself Hardanger Embroidery
  • Raphael's Angels - not sure of the designer information
Happy Stitching!


Dragonflies WIP update

Hey All!

A few days ago, I had another page finish on my QS Dragonflies.  That means that I've finished the first 6 of 9 pages.  The bottom row of pages aren't full pages either, so I'm getting close to a finish!

Here it is so far:

The details:  28ct. Monet's Garden from PTP (ordered from 123stitch), stitched 1x1.

Happy Stitching!


Friday, January 15, 2016

Christmas Stitching Challenge

Well, it's time for the first Christmas Stitching Challenge update.  This is for any Christmas-related cross stitch.

I did get an ornament done already this year!  This one is a kit from Dimensions.  I didn't even remember that I had it - I found it when I went to grab a different ornament kit.  This one was barely started so I decided it was as good a place to start as any.

Here he is:

Details:  Dimensions Wind Chimes Kit #8765 - Santa Giving Gifts

The wind chimes and jingle bells were part of the kit.

That's one more ornament for my Santa tree later this year.

Happy Stitching!
