Monday, September 30, 2024

Oops, delayed update


After I finished my page on Rapunzel, I said my next project was going to be a new start called PTP Hummingbirds.  Well, that's what it's called but the birds in it aren't actual hummingbirds, at least not ones I'm familiar with.  Here's what it will look like...eventually:

Here is my progress (page 1 finished):

This is 1x1 half stitch on 40ct. linen.  I'm old enough that I have to use a magnifying (5x) lamp to see it well enough.  ;-)

Next up in my rotation, I'm back working on Birds on a Wire [retired].

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Rapunzel Update

 Hey Everyone!

I have an update on Rapunzel from Heaven and Earth Designs!  Apparently, the last time I worked on this one was back in 2021!  Wow!

The photo is not the best as I used my iPad camera, plus the poor girl could use a bath…but not until I’ve finished.

Next up will be a new start—PTP Hummingbirds also from HAED.

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fair Results!

 Hey Everyone!

I picked up my entries from my local fair this past Sunday.  I ended up with 8 blues and 2 rosettes (Best of Show).

Hubby took a picture of me with my items and ribbons:

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Christmas finish!

 Hey Everyone!

I had a finish last night that would qualify as Christmas in July.  This is Nutcracker Sampler from The Nutmeg Needle.

Now I'm off to see how my stuff did at the fair.

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Joys of Owning Cats


UPDATE:  Yes, I was able to salvage all of the yarn minus a piece about 2ft long.  Not a bad result overall.

So Sunday morning, hubby woke me up with the words,”I didn’t do it”.  He then said to start in the living room.

(This is actually the dining room, the living room photo was blurry.)

…into the kitchen

…heading into my sewing room/office

…beside my cutting table.

They got it out of the askew bin on the left.

Hopefully, they’ll grow out of such mischief.  They just turned 1 on July 3rd.

Happy Stitching!


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Framed! 4&5 of 5


Last night, I framed the 4th and 5th pieces I plan to show in our county fair.  They are Night Train and Night Train II by Elizabeth Spurlock.  I believe they are both out of print (check Etsy or Ebay if you’re interested in either).  I know I finished Night Train in 2008, so it only took 16 years for me to complete the set.  Yes, I can be a bit of a procrastinator.  ;-)

I’ll let you know how they do in the fair (July 31-Aug 3).

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Framed! 3 of 5


I got the 3rd one framed today.  I’m a Christmas fanatic, so I had to stitch this one.  I almost always have something Christmas-related in my rotation.

This one is so simple, but poignant and I love it!  Projects 4 & 5 are a pair, so I’ll be posting them together when I get them framed.  Oh, all the frames were purchased from (no affiliation, just a customer).

Happy Stitching!
